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  i-gel®O2 Resus Pack:  Four things in one pack, one less thing to think about                 
  In emergency medicine, you need equipment that’s easy,
rapid and reliable to use. The i-gel®, from Intersurgical, is ideal for use in emergency medicine and difficult airway management as it provides high seal pressures and reduced trauma, plus incorporates a gastric channel to give additional protection against aspiration.

Intersurgical also offer the i-gel
® O2 Resus Pack which contains everything you need to prepare, insert and secure the i-gel® O2 quickly and efficiently: an i-gel® O2 supraglottic airway, a sachet of lubricant, airway support strap and a suction tube.

  The i-gel® O2 has been designed to facilitate ventilation as part of standard resuscitation protocols, such as those designated by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and the American Heart Association (AHA). However, the i-gel® O2 incorporates a supplementary oxygen port, so it can also be used for the delivery of passive oxygenation, or Passive Airway Management (PAM), as part of an appropriate CardioCerebral Resuscitation (CCR) protocol. 
Supporting Videos
  i-gel® O2 Resus Pack features and benefits
  Innovative packaging
  The i-gel® O2 Resus Pack contains an i-gel® O2, a sachet of lubricant, airway support strap and gastric tube, all packaged in a specially designed clear, sterile, rigid pack. This unique design ensures protection of the contents, both in transit and in storage.

The colour–coded protective cradle, which is made from polypropylene (PP) and can be recycled, ensures the i-gel
® O2 is maintained in the correct flexion prior to use, important for patient safety and product performance and to optimise gas circulation for effective sterilisation. The protective cradle also acts as a base for lubrication.

Available in three adult sizes, the i-gel
® O2 has a colour coded hook ring to allow quick and easy identification.


  Contact us
  If you would like to try any of the i-gel products or maybe just ask a question then please get in touch: 

Some or all of the contents of this page may not be applicable to the USA. For details regarding product availability, information and technical support in North America, please contact Intersurgical Inc at

© Intersurgical Ltd, 2025
1185 Corporate Drive, Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5V5
(905) 319-6500 or toll free 1-866-223-2340