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Our latest award winner: The USB™!

The USB™ was invented by Dr. Richard Levitan, an emergency medicine physician in the US, and designed and developed by Intersurgical in conjunction with Dr. Levitan. Read more on Intersurgical Inc’s Linkedin channel.
More information about the USB™ can be found on our International website product page and Explore page.  
Congratulations to all involved and be sure to follow our social media channels to keep up with the latest news on FacebookInstagram, X, and LinkedIn.

Filtration and humidification The recent reported outbreak of respiratory infections in the Chinese city of Wuhan has been identified as being caused by 2019-nCoV (2019 Novel Coronavirus).

© Intersurgical Ltd, 2025
1185 Corporate Drive, Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5V5
(905) 319-6500 or toll free 1-866-223-2340