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Oral Care Product Range
OroCare Mini  

OroCareSensitive oral suction wand


OroCare Aspire suction toothbrush

Product code: 3011000    Box quantity: 30   Product code: 3017000     Box quantity: 15   Product code: 3016000     Box quantity: 25

The OroCare™ Mini is a medical toothbrush, which has been designed with a small atraumatic brush head and soft bristles.  It also features a long curved neck, which allows the user to reach all areas of the oral cavity. It is ideal for paediatrics and those with challenging oropharyngeal situations.


OroCare™ Sensitive is a unique suction wand for cleaning delicate gums and tissues around the oral cavity. The integral moulded soft head provides a safer alternative to common suction swabs that can become detached. The design of the head allows application of antibacterial solutions, whilst it gently cleans the surface of the teeth and soft palate.
OroCare™ Aspire features a small brush head, equally suitable for adults and children. The soft bristles allow for proper oral hygiene and are designed to aid in the removal of plaque. The long neck allows the user to reach all areas of the oral cavity without interfering with ET tubes and other equipment. It has a built-in direct attachment to a suction line, eliminating the need for an additional suction yankauer.

OroCare Select toothbrush with 0.12% chlorhexidine ampoule

OroCare0.12% chlorhexidine mouthmash ampoule

OroCare suction line splitter

Product code: 3012100     Box quantity: 50   Product code: 3025000     Box quantity: 70   Product code: 3022000     Box quantity: 25

An ampoule containing 0.12% chlorhexidine is
included to deliver the antibacterial fluid directly at the
bristles. Suction may be conveniently controlled by
the integrated thumb port.



The ampoules contain an antibacterial 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash for use with OroCare Select.

The OroCare™ suction line splitter has been designed for the simultaneous use of two suction lines on a single canister. This may become necessary, when a closed suction system is already attached to the vacuum source.

OroClean tooth gel


OroCare day kits

OroCare day kits with mouthwash

Product code: 3021000     Box quantity: 250   q4 Product code: 3014000 Box quantity: 10
q8 Product code: 3015000 Box quantity: 15
  q4 Product code: 3014100 Box quantity: 10
q8 Product code: 3015100 Box quantity: 15

The OroClean tooth gel is available in single dose application sachets. This prevents cross contamination of tooth gel tubes and the associated potential for recontamination of patients.


The OroCare day kits facilitate introduction of an oral care hygiene routine over a 24 hour period. Available for 4 hours (q4) or 8 hour (q8) intervention options, they offer a simple to use disposable solution straight from the pack. Each intervention contains a suction brush or a suction wand plus one liquid dispenser cup, and a mouth moisturiser applicator sponge.


The OroCare day kits facilitate introduction of an oral care hygiene routine over a 24 hour period. Available for 4 hours (q4) or 8 hour (q8) intervention options, they offer a simple to use disposable solution straight from the pack. Each intervention contains a suction brush or a suction wand plus one liquid dispenser cup, one sachet of 0.12% Chlorhexidine (15ml) mouthwash and a mouth moisturiser applicator sponge.

OroCare Aspire suction toothbrush with chlorhexidine mouthwash, dispenser cup, lip sponge
OroCare Aspire suction toothbrush with chlorhexidine mouthwash and tooth gel, dispenser cup, lip sponge
OroCare mouthcare kit with chlorhexidine mouthwash and tooth gel, OroCare Aspire suction toothbrush OroCare Sensitive suction wand and dispenser cup

Product code: 3016001     Box quantity: 100   Product Code: 3016002  Box Quantity: 100
  Product Code: 3016003  Box Quantity: 100
For situations where full daily kits are not suitable we offer a variety of single use treatment packs. This kit contains a toothbrush, mouthwash, dispenser cups and a lip moisturising sponge.
  For situations where full daily kits are not suitable we offer a variety of single use treatment packs. This kit contains a toothbrush, mouthwash, tooth gel, dispenser cups and a lip moisturising sponge.   For situations where full daily kits are not suitable we offer a variety of single use treatment packs. This kit contains a mouthwash, suction toothbrush, suction wand and dispenser cup.

OroCare Aspire suction toothbrush with tooth gel 


Product code: 3016100     Box quantity: 100        

OroCare™ Aspire features a small brush head, equally suitable for adults and children. The soft bristles allow for proper oral hygiene and are designed to aid in the removal of plaque. The long neck allows the user to reach all areas of the oral cavity without interfering with ET tubes and other equipment. It has a built-in direct attachment to a suction line, eliminating the need for an additional suction yankauer.  This is supplied with the OroClean tooth gel.



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